Not sleeping or sleeping badly at one time or another, usually due to some stressful situation is common. Insomnia as a disorder, however, refers to difficulty sleeping, staying asleep or waking up in the morning, not feeling rested, suffering and impairing daily life, and should occur at least three times a week, at least for three months.
People fear sleeping poorly due to the perception of consequences, such as decreased ability to perform tasks, drowsiness during the day, tiredness, irritability, impairments in social, professional, academic life, lack of concentration and memory. Absences from work, overuse of medical services and self-medication are common in people with the disorder.
Insomnia can be the main problem but it is also very present in other disorders, especially in depression, anxiety and substance abuse.
Cognitive insomnia therapy is based on the model that suggests that cascading cognitive processes (thoughts), occurring night and day, operate to maintain the disorder. They are the concern, whether to monitor and monitor the clock (which increases the concern), thoughts and beliefs that lead to behaviors to avoid insomnia, and the unrealistic perception of sleep.